We live in a fast paced world and we are always looking for the fastest way to get something. All the work we do need a quick resolution, eg, while we wait for the bus, waiting in line at a restaurant or doing other things, which obviously everyone needs to work quickly, including the when you are working with a slow computer, you'll want to speed up your computer.
Rather than increase the RAM on your computer that would cost extra, there are six steps you can take to speed up your computer performance. Most of these steps will allow you to speed up your computer for free because they are the applications installed on your computer. Here's how to speed up your computer performance
6 steps to speed up computer
A. The first step you should take is to empty the Recycle Bin. It's easy to dilakukan.Arahkan your cursor to the Recycle Bin icon on your desktop, right-click, and select "Empty Recycle Bin."
2.Buka Internet Explorer, go to Tools, Internet Options. Click on "Delete Cookies," then the window that appears on the "Delete Files.", Check "Delete all offline content" and click OK. When finished, click OK to close the Internet Options window, and close Internet Explorer. This way you will remove junk files and speed up your computer dpat
3. Second step is a step in the fastest, simplest, and so you can mempraktekannya.Lakukan Disk Cleanup. To do this, click Start> All Programs> Accessories> System Tools> Disk Cleanup. Adalahi disk cleanup function to calculate how much space on your hard drive that can be empty. Once finished, a list of unnecessary files that can be deleted. You can choose the first or if you are lazy, you can delete all files in the list in order to speed up computer.
4. Disk defragmentation. This can be a lengthy process so you may have to wait quite lama.Misalnya, organize it, then go watch your favorite TV show, or go mow the lawn, or go exercise. To begin go to Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Disk Defragmenter. Click on Analyze. If you are lucky, you'll get "You do not need to defragment this volume", but more than likely, you have to click "Defragment." If so, click on it and you'll didefragmentasi kkomputer so memepercepat computer.
5. Spyware scan.Kebanyakan people do not realize how easy it is to be infected with spyware, so running periodic scans is highly recommended. You can use anti-spyware program you choose. To play it safe, you should run at least three programs that berbeda.Anda may be surprised by what you temukan.Anda may have spyware running on your computer and not even know it. Once the scan is complete, and delete all the spyware already on it will speed up your computer
6. Anti-virus scan.Mudah I hope you have anti-virus program installed on your computer. If not, I highly recommend you get one as soon as possible. You can view a list of the best antivirus in my article about the best antivirus. Do a thorough scan on your computer to eliminate the virus and speed up your computer
Computers are very easy to speed up
After all steps finished. Restart your computer and you will be surprised at how fast it really your computer. Sangant be good if you follow the 6 steps at least once per week (some steps can even be done automatically). By doing this, you will keep your computer fixed quickly, try to practice how to speed up computer
Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012
Tips and Tricks to speed up internet Connection
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