Some of the computers that often we know is:
There are some computer devices :
Is a computer device that is a place where other means of electronic devices of the computer is placed. Many connector socket on the motherboard, such as a processor, PCI Card and others. The picture is one of the motherboard.
Is a device that serves to change the signal analog signals into digital signals and vice versa, Modem stands for Modulation De modulation. On the picture next to Internal Modem is a PCI Card installed on the motherboard, on the side there is a connector for menguhungkan modem with a phone line.
The picture is a picture of the LAN Card is a card that is used to connect between computers with one computer to another. LAN Card is mounted on the mother board on the PCI card slot, for mengubungkan between computers with one computer to another using UTP cable consists of 8 pieces of cable with certain colors, the socket being used is the RJ-45 socket. For the selected type of network can use Peer to peer or other uses. When connected to more than two computers are usually membtuhkan additional tool called the HUB.
VGA CARD is a card or a card that is used to forward information from the motherboard to the screen, so that information can be read by humans. In some types of computers nowadays usually means Onboard VGA card is already directly into one on the motherboard. But there are also times that are not on board.
Hard disk storage is perangkan or storage device, a very large capacity. This hard drive is usually connected to the motherboard by using ATA or SATA cable. with the hard disk, then we can perform data storage and software in a very large number
Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012
Computer Peripheral Devices
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Computer Engineering and Network
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